Sunday, February 1, 2009

The 5 Stages of Leaving

Stage 1 – Statement of Intent 180 minutes before actually leaving

This stage kicks off the leaving process, it can be repeated a number of times before moving on the stage 2. Each iteration of stage 1, will result in a negative response from the host, who will forcefully insist that you stay. In some cases, it will appear that the host wants you to stay forever.

Also common in this stage is someone will go and start to make a fresh pot of tea.

Stage 2 – Standing Up in The Room

People will stand up in the Room and carry on their conversation. Children will often be told to stop any activities they are participating in preparation for departure. They will of course become bored and irritable when they have to stand around with the olds.


Drink the tea

Stage 3 – Move To the Door

As is traditional in many Asian homes, shoes are not worn indoors. This presents stage 3, shoes are normally left near the door. While putting on your shoes you will participate in a stage that is very similar to Stage 2 except the conversation will revolve around the host and the leaving guest impressing upon one another that they do not see each other enough, each trying to establish that they alone are busy and the other should come round more often.


Stage 4 – Open the Door

See Stage 3 but with the door open.

Stage 5 - Leaving

The customary never ending wave, the host must continue to wave bye the departing guest until the he/she is at least 200 miles away.


The empty Tupperware swap.

This includes the return and lending of various pieces of kitchenware products, which will need to be found and/or washed.

The emergency sabjee supply chain.

This includes the giving of everyday food items, to save the guest from going shopping and getting it themselves.

Total time 90-180 minutes.