Tuesday, February 23, 2010

BA cabin crew vote for strikes

One has to ask, what is it that the cabin crew do, that makes them think they are entitled to these enormous salaries and benefits. If the pilot and co-pilot die will they fly the plane? If there is a medical emergency on the plane will they make the diagnosis? If the plane has a mechanical fault will they strip the engine and rebuild it? Whether you have 15 minutes or 15 years of "experience", cabin crew remain, simply waitresses, albeit with the ability, thankfully untested, to stay calm in crisis and read the crisis instructions. Some may find this insulting but it will not stop it from being true. You get paid for the skills you bring to the job. In the case of the BA Cabin crew, they can't even bring a smile. (By the way I have taken over 250 flights in the last 5 years and BA is Ryanair without the cheap ticket. Only when there is simply no option am I forced to buy BA). Take Control. Fire everyone. Sell everything. Slots, planes, assets including the brand. Fill the hole in the pensions with the money. Pay what’s left to the debt and equity holders. Put the pension in trust and be done with it. This Union doesn't deserve to carry our flag.

BA cabin crew vote for strikes - contains video

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Should we send aid to Zimbabwe?

Black Zimbabweans to take control of white-owned companies surely it would be equally accurate to say that "People whose only skill is to have connections in government to take control of business built by people who know how to run them"

The past has been used to justify many things, no doubt the guardian readers of the world will see this current act of stupidity as just desserts for the crimes of past generations of white colonialism, but the reality is that this will temporarily enrich a few corrupt politicians and rapidly destroy what little is left of the economy. It happened in Uganda when Idi Amin did it. This appropriation already happened with the farms and a country that used to feed it's neighbours teeters on the brink of starvation. Who is going to invest in Zimbabwe now?

Another man-made African catastrophe.

Who ate all the pies, who ate all the pies...

The Daily "Hate"Mail has the following article about how to get loads of benefits if you are addicted to eating like a pie-aholic £80m bill for obesity

Those of you who know me well, might consider this a risky topic for me to approach as my own gastronomic adventures tend to involve large quantities of fatty meats, the ribeye instead of the fillet, the pork belly rather than the chops and all the cheese goodness of real mozzarella. Luckily for me, by the grace of god, or the randomness of evolution I have managed to keep my butt in my 32" waist jeans for the past 15 years.

Anyway, back to paying people to sit on there arses because they are too fat to work seems a little counter intuitive to me, surely the last thing they need in fact. It's not the amount of money were wasting that's shocking, to be fair, it's a very small amount of money in the scheme of things, but it is the idea that we, and by we I mean the tax payer, are "helping" these people. What they need is a gym membership and court order to attend. tough love? maybe. Legal? probably not, but nor is taxing hard working people, who make consciences decision about their families diet, to subsidize the self destructive choices of the ignorant and lazy.

Top Things to Fix The Problem

1. Stop Rewarding People with a free pass for being obese. NO MORE BENEFITS
2. Make legally binding contracts with them to get in shape, money for gyms is available now that you don't get paid for sitting on your arse.
3. Education, Education, Education if children are fat, bring the parents for mandatory education on nutrition. If the refuse, its child abuse.

Most of this is UK specific where people don't bear the cost of their choices, in the US there is no health insurance if you don't work. So you couldn't have this situation arising so do what you want.